I have learnt how to train developers in the shortest time possible Adam Cogan General 0 Comments My goal over the years has been to shrink the time for a developer to learn a new technology so they are job ready. A couple of weekends ago, I was invited onto the Locknote panel at this year’s DDD Sydney conference. The topic of discussion was learning. The two most common questions asked were: What is the most effective way to learn? How do you retain the most valuable information? So I decided to write this blog post about it. At SSW…

The New York Times recently ran an article about the rise of coding camps, and they’re not alone: a quick search of google shows a plethora of articles about this new phenomenon. As tech booms, the interest in new ways to enter the industry grows. Code camps in particular are getting attention because they represent opportunity for people past university age (although they are attended by people of all ages, including young students). In a world where education costs in the tens of thousands of dollars, and takes years to complete, coding camps offer a new way to reskill, without…

Disclaimer: This post originally appeared on adamcogan.com and is reproduced here with his permission Today, I am proud to announce SSW has won the MAPA 2015 Microsoft Australia Partner Award for Excellence in Learning for FireBootCamp, our 9-week intensive training .NET boot camp. FireBootCamp was up against the very best learning institutions in Australia, such as New Horizons and DDLS. To give you an idea of the competition, these 2 companies have about 200 employees, have been in business for close to 20 years, and are known as leading IT technical training and certification companies. I’d like to firstly thank Microsoft….
We are delighted to announce that we have been named as finalists in the 2015 Microsoft Australia Partner Awards (MAPA), in the category of Excellence in Learning for our .NET training course, FireBootCamp. Part of why we’re so thrilled to have been chosen as finalists is that at FireBootCamp, while we use Microsoft products and methodologies, we don’t sell Certified Microsoft courses, which is one of the criteria that Microsoft considers when evaluating the award applicants. That FireBootCamp was selected as a finalist is great testimony that Microsoft recognises our innovative and holistic approach to training, and our fantastic course…
(This post originally appeared on AdamCogan.com) As you may remember from my last blog post, the 3 teams were having their solutions critiqued by a panel of judges with extensive experience in building software. Today, I am excited to announce which team our judges picked as being the most successful (giving the most business value). The voting was tight and I think it’s fair to say that all the judges were impressed with the level of output in just 9 weeks. Some of the judges were tougher than others. I’ve included some of their comments below (I haven’t included all the…
It has been an amazing, intense 9 weeks, and while I’m sad that it is over, I couldn’t be more proud of the guys and what they’ve achieved. They’ve all improved in different ways: Some of them arrived with a lot of experience… now they are awesome. Some were juniors straight out of uni… they’re still juniors but now with great experience. They surely know the right way to do things. These guys could spot a smell if you wanted to architect a dodgy solution that was untestable. Some are recently arrived from India with many years of experience but…
UPDATE: Gala Day is done – see how it ended 9am – 12pm AEDT, Friday March 21 2014 Suite 13, 81-91 Military Rd, Neutral Bay Australia SSW invites you to come and meet our newest FireBootCamp graduates. These developers are so passionate about coding they took 9 weeks out of their life to do nothing but code, and they are keen to show off what they have learned and created. This event gives employers the chance to see the web applications our Boot Campers have developed, speak to them in an informal setting, book appointments for interviews, and enjoy a…
Adam Cogan, Microsoft Regional Director and Boot Camp Mentor, gave out the details of FireBootCamp training project: “I am proud to announce the launch of the best training course we have ever done. It takes a beginner .NET developer to a “Job Ready” world class developer in 9 weeks. Long story short, they get thrown into the fire, continuously mentored, while building a real world app. They will successfully complete 4 sprints. I called it FireBootCamp.” Read the complete post at Adam’s blog: From zero to .NET hero in 9 weeks with FireBootcamp.